How I Cope (It's Not Easy)

Month May 2019

February 2019 – Spain Alone

I went to see my  counsellor Debbie on the Wednesday and was in quite a bad way, really cried for the whole hour. I told Debbie that I nearly booked a weekend to Spain by myself a few times, but… Continue Reading →

Terry his thoughts as I saw them.

Listen I want to make it clear I am not making Terry out to be a saint or anything, he had his faults and I had mine (I know I had a lot more.) But I loved this man so… Continue Reading →

A Wave of Grief (Wednesday 15th May 2019)

I had counselling today with the wonderful Debbie, it wasn’t to bad, I had my normal cry told her all about going to Spain and scattering Terry’s Ash’s with family and friends. We talked about how I know has heart… Continue Reading →

Crying and Falling – (Thursday 16th May 2019)

Woke up early drained from a really bad  night, I got ready for work. I was early so popped into my friend Denise’s house. She made me a coffee and I told her about the night I had been through;… Continue Reading →

Service Of Remembrance (Saturday 18th May 2018)

When i received the letter inviting me to the above I was in two minds weather to go, but because they were mentioning Terry’s name I just had to go. My friend Denise came and i must say it was… Continue Reading →

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