What a day and night, this time a year ago me and my sister had spent all day nursing Terry. He was so poorly bless him.
Danny Lindsay & Samm came in the evening and Trudy went home.
Terry just got worst and they all helped me nurse him the best we could. The nurses came and finally settled Terry. Danny & Lindsay wanted to stay but I told them to go home, Samm was staying with me.
Samm told me to get some sleep as I hadn’t sleep for 72 hours.
I kissed Terry and told him I loved him and tucked him in, then i laid on the sofa. Samm laid on the other sofa and all was calm. When we woke up he was gone.
l had no idea he was going to pass I would never have left him. The nurses never told us or gave a clue he was going to go.
My guilt for not being with him is unbearable, the only good thing is he wanted to pass in his own bed and he did. I just wish I was holding his hand when he went.
But when I went in to him, the pain had left his face and he was smiling, he looked so peaceful.
I miss him so much and today as been so emotional, I have cried so much. I Love you Tezza 🥰